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Sophie Baldwin



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‘Consumption', May 2021, YouTube video, 3:05


‘Consumption Stills', May 2021, Photography.

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‘Consumption Language QR Code', May 2021, Generated Image. 

‘Consumption Language', May 2021, SoundCloud audio, 3:04.

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In this series of works entitled 'Consumption', I have created a video piece in which I explore materiality and the over-consumption of materials through the visceral act of consuming paper and plastic. I wanted to continue exploring the materiality of paper and plastic through video and sound work. Using the grotesque imagery of a close-up shot of my mouth, this work is effective in it's desire to make the audience uncomfortable as it explores the sights and sounds of over-consumption. To create my sound piece, I used common words found in academic articles referring to the impacts of plastic and paper on the environment, with a particular focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to further emphasis the effect of these materials on the environment and by extension our own bodies. 


If I were to exhibit these series of works in person I would display the video on a monitor and encourage the audience to scan the QR code, so they can experience the video and sound piece together. However, the work is effective if viewed at home as it is relevant to COVID-19 and its impacts.


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